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Last updated: Thursday October 17th, 2013 11:20pm

Tune In and Stay Tuned to!! Thanks again for all the continuous love & support of this "Real. Good. Music." its our genre and We define it!! Thank you to everybody whose been down since day 1. To everybody across statelines who support us. Across oceans. u2w is one helluva movement; and it only grows thru YOU! united, We write. Divided; Never.

THE TIME HAS COME! Wolf Gang Radio and unite2write have just released their newest teamtape, #WeOutHere!! It's completely free to download, and features verses from all u2w artists and affiliates!

  Click here to get your own free copy; and spread the word!! With the release of The Hunger coming so soon; it's amazing how high the bar was set with the newest u2w sensation!!! It features lengthy group  collaborations, as well as some exclusive solo songs!!

   If this is the online gift; you can only imagine what The Hunger is.. 



    THANK YOU FOR TUNING IN TO WOLF GANG RADIO, presented by unite2write Records!!! This online radio station is 24/7, uncut, uncensored, and 100% completely free!! There's no log-in, no cost to join, no monthly fee, no installation necessary!! Just the hottest underground rap and hiphop, all day/everyday!!!!!

    u2w has always tried to spotlight local, undiscovered talent. Together, we work hard to inspire eachother and bring exposure to everybody involved!! ENJOY THE REAL. GOOD. MUSIC. and click around the site...

    Check out the unite2write artist's pages by clicking their photos (to the right) and you can find everything you would want to know/see/hear!!! Videos, biographies, interviews, contacts, plus tons of music!!! Also be sure to check out our coming events to see when u2w is coming to a city near you!!! #TuneIn #StayTuned

UNITE2WRITE RECORDS -- What started in a small, unfinished Plymouth basement; has since grown into something that other record labels should aspire to be. Transcending any paradigms and boundaries of the entertainment industry, the philosophy behind unite2write has always been true and tangible. It's about being genuine. It's about being authentic. It's refreshing. And that's why, for years, their self-proclaimed genre has been: "Real. Good. Music." It's the perfect description!!

     In 2008, Matt Young shifted u2w into a new direction with the founding and creation of Wolf Gang Radio. This online, free, streaming radio station was playing 24/7; and was completely uncut and uncensored. Truly ahead of it's time, by any means. WWGR provided an innovative and powerful platform for the artists of unite2write to spread their music and message to the entire World abroad.

    "Music will always be my first love. With that being said, I think it's time that musician's start taking responsibility for the ways we portray ourselves. Music is the universal language. It's a powerful tool.. and I think it's important that we use it wisely."

    February 2011; Matt Young (artist and founder of unite2write) made history by releasing 29 different mixtapes in 28 days. Web-uary was ground-breaking, and again; pushed u2w into an unseen direction. This hard work won Matt the Unsigned Musical Genius Award, and even gained him nominations for multiple Guinness Book World Records! It's been a treacherous, yet rewarding journey. And, in an industry that's often referred to as "dead," Matt Young and u2w have shed light and Life!
    Now, its 2013. The label has grown; the team expanded, and the bar has been raised!! After releasing 3 team tapes; the artists of u2w all plan on dropping their solo CDs. Their spotlight has been set on the national and international scale. The limits of their music; pushed. You can expect the entire family to be on the top of their game this year!!

    With their online radio station, this healthy musical archive, and the newest addition of their non-profit organization WAMWAP; the folks at u2w are constantly setting the standard. Some companies strive to be unique and honest.. but unite2write has been making it look easy for years!!


CLICK HERE to purchase your copy of The Herostory Collection; Matt Young's 10-disc boxset NOW ON SALE; only $20 to support this local musician!! If you go & "LIKE" the Facebook page, you'll save $2 off your online purchase; also offering FREE SHIPPING anywhere inside the state of Michigan!! This project will be extremely limited edition, and is sure to be a collectors item in the near future! Be one of the few to experience this awesome anthology of Real Good Music and its creator, MaYo!